What is the Left's Plan for WPSD if they Regain Power?

Freedom Watch News
Published 05/21/2023 3 minute read

Some of us more mature Americans may remember that in February 1976, Paul Simon’s song, “50 Ways to Leave Your Lover” held the number one spot on the US Billboard Hot 100 for three weeks.  Ok, in actuality, even folks who were adults in February 1976 probably don’t remember that factoid. However, some people may be familiar with Mr. Simon’s lyrical injunction to “Make a new plan, Stan”

Yep, planning is critical to anything we do. Given this importance, we are curious at Freedom Watch News about what those who hate the current school board actually plan to do if they ever regain the power they held through decades of declining enrollment. After all, waving hands, sobbing testimony, faux outrage, outbursts of cursing, and other street theater is all well and good for executing rule #13 in radical Saul Alinsky’s book Rules for Radicals to "pick the target, freeze it, personalize it, and polarize it", but it doesn’t actually solve anything.  The Woodland Park School District has a decades long enrollment crisis that the current board is making progress in reversing. The pupil decline from the high of 3333 in 2002 currently costs the district about $10,000,000 a year. We wonder what their opponents’ solutions are to this crisis?  Given that the ~41% underutilized buildings have plenty of room for more students, we would not need additional infrastructure. Thus, $10,000,000 could buy a lot of teacher raises, technical education, innovative STEM programs, etc. etc. etc.  To get here though, requires a plan for increased enrollment.  To date, when it comes to Woodland Park Education Association and their fellow traveler’s strategy, the world wonders.  Is there anything beyond the complaining and demonstrating?

The current school board’s plan is pretty clear – more parental authority, more educational choices, more innovation, and above all, more emphasis on academic prowess. While we wait for any constructive suggestions or plans from the hate crew, we would like to remind all of Einstein’s observation that “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Emphasis on screen time, faddish discipline practices, chipping away at parental involvement, and disregard for local values is what lost 1500 students in twenty years and almost 700 between 2018 and 2022. Let’s not do that again, shall we? So, as Mr. Simon might ask Stan – “What is your plan?”

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