What is the Left's Plan for WPSD if they Regain Power?
A lot of folks on the left, and the Woodland Park Education Association have objected to just about everything about the current conservative school board. Heck, at one point, they even objected to the size of David Illingworths thighs. But what is their plan for the district, if they were to take back the board?
The current school board’s plan is pretty clear – more parental authority, more educational choices, more innovation, and above all, more emphasis on academic prowess. While we wait for any constructive suggestions or plans from the hate crew, we would like to remind all of Einstein’s observation that “The definition of insanity is doing the same thing over and over and expecting different results”. Emphasis on screen time, faddish discipline practices, chipping away at parental involvement, and disregard for local values is what lost 1500 students in twenty years and almost 700 between 2018 and 2022. Let’s not do that again, shall we?